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  • Pick a Holiday Movie, Get a Book Rec

    Tis the season, yo! To compulsively binge watch holiday movies, that is. If you’re anything like me, you’ve devoted a not insignificant portion of your daily life to viewing (and re-viewing) your favorites. Why not break up that bingefest with a couple quality reads? Tell us your favorite holiday movies and we’ll recommend a book…

  • Protected: Imprint lens documentation for Hachette Book Group: A graphical guide

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  • HBG Big News This Week: December 17-21, 2018

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  • Planning Your Trip to Angkor Wat

  • We blinked

    We live our lives and never see it coming. One day we look in the mirror and see our reflection, but it's the same soul we've been looking at forever. Then the cracking begins. Life carves lines as it runs through our faces. Our arms look like orange peel. Snap, crackle, and pop aren't coming…

  • Dear Josh,

    In more ways than one, you have saved me. I never truly believed in love until I met you. With every hour that passes, I fall even more in love with you. You are the reason I stayed, and no matter where this life takes us, my heart has always been and forever will be…

  • Dear M,

    It’s been 12 years since you asked me out. You loved me, supported me and comforted me when I needed it. You taught me to embrace who I am and to never give up! Though there have been tough times, we always came out on the other side, here we are with two beautiful girls,…

  • Remember to care for everyone

    We all loose people we love. Holidays can be very sad and lonely without them. What matters most to me is the one’s who remain and never reach out to the family they have that are still here. It’s all right to miss them, I know I miss my dad and mom. Sometimes people leave…

  • To my love,

    We met in an unexpected place and time, and everything has fallen into place including my 1000 mile move to be in your arms. Now you are still in a complicated place, afraid to lose time with your kids, but I wish you could realize, that you might lose SOME time with them, but the…

  • It started so unexpectedly

    I want to put down on paper mu story of love, but I don't know how to, my life is too full of distractions. Our story has so many wonderful omens, coincidences, small miracles that have happened so far, that its almost too crazy for people to believe. It started so unexpectedly, and in such…

  • My first trip to bird island

    I am amazed that the first paragraph in the chapter titled kindred spirits is an EXACT depiction of my first trip to bird island....facinating!I've been back three times since and always alone....